Our academic aim is this institution is to impart, sound moral, iltellectual and physical education to the young, Greate care is taken to the character of the pupil and to help them become mature,
self reliant spirtually oriented person capable of intiative and leadear ship qualities. Special efforts are made to seek the co-operation of parents in this
great task of information.
Examination & Promotion :
1: There will be four Formative Assessments and two Summative
Assessments in an academic session .
2: Promotion of a student to next class will be determined on the basis of
his/her yearly performance.
3: Dicision of the Principal, regarding promotion, will be final
4: A student will not be allowed to sit for any main
Examination if his/her fees are in arrears as per schedule of the school,
mentioned in fee card or his/her attendance is below 75%.